Short post today. Up at 3:45 am, and pulled out of the marina at 5. We left through Venn Passage at low tide. It was a little tricky and we all had to be on our toes.
It was raining as we were coming out of the passage, so I went downstairs to start a loaf of bread and finish the blog. I did see a whale and called out to the group, but then it vanished.
It was completely socked in with rain, so there was really no view. We knew we passed into Alaska when our cell phones changed time zones. We went back one hour.
Dixon Entrance had a 2-foot swell but long periods in between, so it was a comfortable ride.
Everyone was able to clear successfully, so we all stopped at Foggy Bay. That also was tricky to get into.
Once in, we had trouble anchoring. Not setting the anchor, but twice we just didn’t like where we ended up. Third time is a charm. We’re quite happy where we are at now.
We made some water when we got here. It was either flush the watermaker or make some, so we didn’t fill our water tank up at Prince Rupert.
We are going to have a get-together this evening for a taco bar to celebrate making it to Alaska. Blue Moon, a sailboat from Seattle, will be joining us for dinner. He is out trying to catch some crab. Hope he is successful!
We hear good weather is headed our way for the 4th in Ketchikan. Let’s hope that holds true!
Talk Soon.