The wind finally died down a bit so we headed out to do some exploring. We drove around Lyall Harbor, into Winter Cove, Irish Bay through Georgeson Passage, Robson Channel into Horton Bay. and then into Bennett Bay. We turned around and headed back and went to Boot Cove and drove around there. While the sun was weak, and it was chilly, we had a great time looking around.

I wasn’t paying attention to the painter (remember, that is the term for the dinghy line?). Jim noticed it floating behind the boat! When I told Sophie the story, it brought back some PTSD! (Sep 8) https://missmarlie.com/week-6-san-juan-summer/
I stripped off my sweater, vest, jacket, life jacket, and retrieved the line. Whew. (haha when I read that it sounded like I jumped in. No. Just stuck my arm in up to my sleeve on my dress.) We had our insta set to take a photo every 2 minutes, so we thought we would see when we lost it. But, much time had not elapsed, as in one photo it is there and the next, I am retrieving the line.
Another GLORIOUS sunset. We sat and watched inside from the helm though, as the wind was a steady 8-10 knots from the Northwest. Soon after we went to bed, it was WHIPPING and sleep was elusive. I got up at 11 to check our anchor position. We were expecting the wind and we knew our anchor was firmly set, I wish we had payed out a little more chain before bed. Although that was not necessary. I finally fell asleep sometime after midnight. Jim was sawing logs much earlier, lucky devil.
Wow, the sun is shining today, and just a few clouds in the distance! I imagine we are weighing anchor and heading out before the next big winds. (Thursday) Although, we have 23 knot winds this morning, so until those die down, we aren’t going anywhere! I would like to go to the grocery and stock up on a few more vegetables though. All we have left from our Costco run is half a bag of brussels. There is a public wharf here and a store about a half mile up the road.
A load of laundry is washing, my coffee is about finished, so time to get on with my day.
Talk Soon.