This is our last night on Vancouver Island. The time has flown!

We left Lagoon Cove at 7 am. The water was like glass! Again, we could not have ordered up a better day. (well, okay, it was cloud covered but warm and no wind. I’ll take that any day!)

It was a 5 hour cruise. We saw our first sea otters. (we have seen plenty of river otters, they come on land. Sea otters do not.) The sea otters are the ones with the cute fuzzy heads. The boat bringing up the rear saw a couple of humpbacks.

Port McNeill is a great stop. We did some grocery shopping, stopped by the liquor store, fueled (they brought the hose right to your boat!), topped off our water, and emptied our garbage.

Nor from Somerled shared some photos today of the dolphins from the other day. Pure magic.
We’re getting up at 4 am. Sailboats are leaving at 4:30 am and the trawelers are leaving at 5. We are transiting Cape Caution next! We’ll be anchoring in Frypan Bay.
Talk Soon.