We are getting the public transport system down here. Initially, it seemed that there was just the main hub. But over the past few days, we have discovered that there are two train stations and several bus hubs. We went out to the airport a couple of days ago. We are thinking about renting a car. According to google maps we have 3 options to get to the airport. One we recognize. The other two? Nope? Where in the world do we pick up these others? We follow the map – aha! It is a coach bus that has its stop outside the train station. We pay the driver 10 euro and head out to the airport. I let the driver know we are not getting out at the airport, we are just taking a round trip. He says that’s okay.

It takes about 30 minutes. When we arrive, it becomes obvious that the bus driver did not understand that we were staying on the bus for a round trip. Maybe he wants another 10 euro for the trip back? We decide to try the other options back to the centrale. We hop off, head inside. I want to go back and tell the driver that we are taking different transportation. I’m sure he is going to be worried sick. Jim laughs at me. No. He does not care, Debbie.

Ahhh! There is a train station in the airport. It’s one of the other options that stumped us! Mystery solved! We have a coffee (they are used to americans and try to sell me the super size. no thanks. I’ll just take the normale). We pay 5 euro 36 each for our train tickets. It actually was cheaper to take the coach. Surprising. When we get back to the centrale, we arrive at a totally different station that we didn’t even realize was there! We walked past it every day. Who knew!!

It is another fantastic sunny day. (I guess some more rain is coming soon). Our coffee shop is closed today so we end up at Martinucci. I read in a blog that they have warm pasticiotto. (this is a filled pastry) It’s true. I ask for it warm and she still hands it to me from the case. Guess not then. Oh! It actually IS warm. It is the best one we have had. We have a cappuccino and head out for our adventures.

We are still stuck on the airport theme, we tried two of the three options to get out there but didn’t explore the third. The 16. We take a round trip. We now know all the ways to and from the airport.

We sit in the warm sunshine and eat our sandwiches and people watch. There is not much of a breeze today, so the sailing club is practicing capsizing their crafts and righting them. A large group of folks that have (obviously) rented paddleboards for the first time play in the harbor. They are all wearing suits to protect them if they fall in. And one of them did! The large ferris wheel is finally moving. It SOUNDS so delightful, but there is some rotting vegetation that has moved in with the tide; the breeze shifts so do we.

We while away our day in the sunshine – we explore a little more of the Bari Vecchia. Yay! The church is open. They broke ground on this church in 1087. Let that sink in. We go sit in there for quite some time enjoying the beauty and the coolness and resting our tired bones. It is amusing, there are 5 very large statues behind the altar. Two are young topless girls. I’d like to know the story of the art. I’d also love to lay in the pew and admire the art on the ceiling. I’m sure I would be tossed out, so resist. Sorry kids. Saint Nick’s remains are in the tombs below.

We enjoyed our slow day in the sunshine. Time to head home and make some dinner and put our heads together. We have decided that one month in one place is just too much. We call my sister and her husband and hatch some plans.

paleremo presto.