It was a perfect cruise to Pender. We were going with the current and the wind, big difference! Smooth ride all the way. (well, it did get pretty rolly about 2/3 of the way there) On the way up, we had waves crashing over the bow and the spray from one even reached our flybridge windshield. Jim was looking through the binoculars and didn’t see it. I shrieked, which scared the tar out of him, which made me laugh for about 10 minutes with tears coming out of my eyes. He was quite traumatized and I was not forgiven.
It took us about 7 1/2 hours to get here. We rarely go more than 5 hours and I have been wondering how we will handle the longer hours with the flotilla. We have pretty much cruised at least 7 hours a day for the past several days, and when the sights are new – the time just flies. We were remarking how we used to love to drive to Seattle, now we have done it so many times it feels like quite the slog.
When we got here, we fueled up and headed to the anchorage. It was a relaxing evening – we played some games, had a zoom meeting with our fellow flotilla folks and watched a little TV.
We are doing boat chores today and grocery shopping. We have used all our vegetables from our Costco run save for 3 heads of romaine. One of my boater friends said to wrap each head individually in foil and they will last a long time. So far, this is holding true. Tomorrow we leave early to make the Malibu rapids on time, so probably won’t hear from us until Friday.
Talk Soon.