No one had any issues getting off the dock. We headed out about 6:30. We went through Greene Point Rapids and Whirlpool Rapids. They weren’t the usual short ones – Jim says they went on forever. I didn’t notice because I started some sourdough rolls this morning and they needed a lot of attention. Also, I had a call with the new PaNNTOA membership director. By the time I got up to the flybridge, the excitement was over.
We were expecting high winds in Johnstone Strait, but it was only going to be about 2 hours, so it wouldn’t be forever. We are setting ourselves up to cross Cape Caution on Saturday – which is forecasted to be fantastic conditions (as nice as it gets for that particular crossing anyways).
We were surprised when we got to the Strait that it was actually calm and we couldn’t have asked for a better passage. We thought all was smooth sailing once we got out of the channel, but on our way to Lagoon Cove we passed through Chatham Channel. We all had to go single file as it was pretty narrow and we had 5 knots of current against us. Pretty squirrely.
The scenery is jaw-dropping gorgeous so we are not complaining! We got to the marina and there were plenty of folks to help us with the docking. This is the first time that we have parallel docked (besides at a fuel dock.) It went pretty seamlessly.
The fun part about staying at Lagoon Cove is that they have a happy hour potluck. They supply the prawns and the boaters bring appetizers to share. It was a fun evening. It is the summer solstice and boy howdy is it warm today! This is the earliest solstice since 1786 – George Washington was still President.
It was a warm evening. We sat up on the flybridge until 8pm. Tried to stay awake until sunset, but it was brutal and went to bed 15 minutes early!
There is a mama grizzly and cub they saw a few weeks back here. We didn’t see any bears. We should start spotting them soon!
We are on our way to Port McNeill today. We are already underway and it is pure glass! Low lying clouds, but we’ll take it! Short cruise, we should be there by noon to provision, fuel up and enjoy the area. Hope our weather holds for Cape Caution crossing!
Talk Soon.