We hung out all day in Clam Bay while the wind howled and it rained. We caught a lot of the waves on the beam and it was rolly. I sent a video to the kids and Hannah said she was seasick just watching the video. I got caught up on a few of my PaNNTOA duties that were niggling at me, making me uneasy.
I made a fantastic dinner with the sourdough starter. (trust me, it wasn’t me, it was the recipe so I am not bragging.) After dinner and dishes the sun came out and the wind died down somewhat. We went upstairs to enjoy some fresh air and played some spicy farkle. Jim has the title back. We were expecting gale force winds until midnight – coming from an opposite direction than we set our anchor.
Sure enough, as I am literally looking at the weather station – the wind picked up from 8.4 knots to 17 to 30 in a matter of two seconds. It was absolutely crazy. Since we didn’t set the anchor in the direction of the gust we drug anchor for a bit. We are trusting it to reset, but we are uneasy. Of course, it is now dark and although not close, there is a fleming yacht right next door. I would love to talk to them about their experience. Tracy Anne from California, if you ever read this – we’d love to swap stories with ya.
Jim sat up on anchor watch. His plan was to go to bed after midnight. I woke up at 2 and he was still up. I convinced him to come to bed. Not long after he was in bed, a few big gusts came back up and he thought he should check it out. So, he basically sat up most the night alternately watching and dozing. He deserves a fantastic nap later.
In retrospect – we were expecting the gale force winds coming from the opposite direction that we set the anchor. During the lull, instead of playing dice, we should have reset the anchor in the direction that we were expecting the gusts and put out some more anchor chain for good measure. I think we will always be the student and the elements: the instructor.
We are planning on heading out soon. The wind has died down considerably.
Talk Soon.
So good for the brain to always be a student!!