We didn’t take any pics yesterday, but I did figure out how to share those videos of our boat tour. There are links pasted throughout this post for your viewing pleasure.
If you tried to look at the jelly video with no success, I had the permissions set wrong. You can go give it a whirl now. (yesterday’s post) If you are friends with Jim on Snapchat, you have more than likely already seen the video. If you aren’t, his handle is potomacjoe. That is his primary social media. He is on instagram but rarely posts. (same handle) Also, it does seem like the majority of the jellies have moved on or a bloom really does only last 48 hours.
It is 48 degrees INSIDE this morning. Brr! We bought a little propane heater yesterday to run first thing in the morning until we feel like it is reasonable to start up the generator. It is working quite nicely. It uses those green propane bottles that you use for barbecues. We are still bundled up like a couple of Eskimos though.
We did some chores yesterday morning and then headed to Canadian Tire. We ran out of paper tickets, so this was our first time paying cash. I got on the bus, had a $5 note and asked for a day pass. They do not want you to hand them the cash! You put it in the same machine that sucks in the paper tickets. It will be a real adventure using coins. We were able to buy more paper tickets at the grocery. There is an app, but you get a discount when you buy a sheet of 10 paper tickets. You just add cash to the app and pay that way. (yes, I guess I still am debeneezer.)
Wow was the bus crowded yesterday! Standing room only! And SO HOT! Good thing we weren’t going that far. It was a relief to get off into the fresh air.
The shopping area had all the things – Canadian Tire, Thrifty Foods and BC Liquor. We wanted a little pub to have a drink and a snack, but no luck. We were heavily laden anyways, headed back, put away our wares and groceries. (we bought some rather large items yesterday – the heater, an induction hotplate, and a radio) We have a radio on the boat, but some connection or another came undone and it no longer works. I really like the radio going during the day. Probably hearkens back to the days of living with my grandparents. They always had the radio on first thing in the morning.
We hopped in Don Yonko and went to Brentwood Bay Pub. Paul said they had a dinghy dock, so we headed into the marina. We couldn’t find it, so called the marina. Mainly because there is a gate, what if we couldn’t get back in? The marina attendant could see us out the window, told us we could tie up where we were. It is a day-use fee of .75 a foot. Well worth it. We tied up and headed to the pub. We decided since it was so late to go ahead and have dinner there. WOW. The food was amazing.
It seems like you can also use the amenities when you pay the day-use fee. There were showers, laundry, a pool, and a hot tub. I might be going back for that! I didn’t see where they put their garbage. That is our main issue. We are pretty self-sufficient right now otherwise. We foresee needing to go into a marina or find some way to pay for trash disposal at least once every two weeks. When we shop, we take everything out of the packages and throw the packaging away there. No need to bring it back to the boat to then try to figure out how to dispose of it.
Since it is a holiday weekend, we have had a few more boats coming into this inlet. There is a big party of 5 rafted together near the beach. Their music was bumping last night! What fun!
Our time is coming to an end in this beautiful little cove. We have decided we have good practice anchoring on a pond. (which we are grateful for, we have learned many valuable lessons already). We are thinking of heading to Montague Harbor next. It is on Galiano Island. The problem is, the harbor area is shut down until May 1st. It looks like a long dinghy ride to the other side where folks live.
So before we go, we need to get the solar installed, go to Butchart Gardens, and make a Costco run for fresh vegetables and supplies for about 10 days. Tomorrow we are headed to Victoria for church.
Have a blessed Easter, I’m sure there will be no post tomorrow.
Talk Soon.