Have been waiting out some weather, so not much to report. All the pictures are from today, sunny!
After church, we took a dinghy ride to explore the anchorages on this side of the island. (James, Selby, and Annette). We saw 8 seals at the head of James Bay. Seven of them were babies. They were super curious and hung out and watched us. On the way out, there were 18 plus on the rocks at the entrance. It was a nice little ride but we were chilled and headed back in.
Finally! Some blue skies today. Hopefully the wind will cooperate and we can head out on the dinghy.
It poured off and on for the remainder of the day. I helped Sophie finish up her taxes and Jim made us a fantastic dinner – braised short ribs, pasta, and salad. And we have leftovers for Monday. Yes! We watched some TV and off to bed early.
We did not go anywhere on Monday, high winds and rain all day. I am happy that we experienced this during daylight hours. We felt pretty secure but if things did go south, being able to see is a real plus! We caught up on some chores. Jim got the pot puller installed. We are looking forward to prawning soon. Probably will be our goal next week.
Are you noticing a theme? Boat chores? Boat projects? That is the number one reason people give up on this lifestyle. I suppose, just like at home, it is never-ending. There is so much pollen in the air the boat is filthy. We imagined with a water maker that we would be high on the water hog and washing the boat all the time. Nope. We use a lot of water on the hook with dishes, laundry, and showers.
I think that land way off in the distance (down the channel) is Wallace Island. Tomorrow we are going to leave early and check it out and Montague before heading over to Van Isle. Jim says it’s not Wallace. Can’t wait to say, I told you so 😛
Also, you can see all the pollen building up along the *searches memory for proper boat part name, finds nothing – ledge.
We are going to Van Isle Marina tomorrow (again, I tried Port of Sidney, crickets). It is only fifteen cents a foot more at Van Isle and their customer service, in our experience, has been hands down better. My sister is in this neck of the woods and they are going to come see the boat. We can give the boat a good wash as well.
We are going to take Don Yonko over to Ganges today and check out the town. Beautiful cotton candy pink clouds, sun, and blue skies this morning. Nice after the past 2 dreary days.
We’re going to head over to Ganges on the Dinghy. We have to watch for a ferry coming out of that harbor I am pointing at. (we are going to the other harbor on the left)
Since taking this photo, the winds have picked up and there are white caps. Waiting that out before leaving.
Talk Soon.