Around noon, as promised the wind died down. We headed to shore about 2. After a bit of investigation, we figured out where to park the dinghy.
A little over a mile, it was a pleasant walk up to the grocery store. It was nice to get out and stretch our legs. We mainly needed some vegetables. They had a nice selection. We got some corn on the cob, beets, broccoli, tomatoes and a bag of little potatoes.
We got to the waterfront pub just as it opened. We each had a couple of beers. The only NA beer they had was a pilsner. I asked for an orange with it (heck if it makes blue moon taste good..) and surprised, I did enjoy it. It was refreshing! I would have that again. A little gun shy after the last time I had soda water.. We also split some tempura vegetables with ponzu. YUM! Perfect snack. We basked in the sunshine and listened to the next table make some shady deals on burner phones.
We came back and played Farkle on the flybridge. After three games, it was determined that I am the supreme champion of the universe. It was getting chilly, so I went down to make dinner. Bunless Burgers with corn on the cob.
We were sure the sunset was going to be spectacular. While certainly worth watching, it was a rather mundane one.
The wind is supposed to pick up tomorrow again, and this anchorage is unfavorable so we are going to head back to Bedwell Harbor. We never went to shore there. I think we are going to do a little cruise over to Tumbo Island first. That anchorage is only for calm conditions.
We have a Zoom meeting tonight with both Flotilla groups. Last time, I got the date wrong and we missed it! Yep, Debbie the planner. A little piece of my soul died. Not really, but I was crushed. That won’t happen again!
We are making some water this morning and heading out.
Talk Soon.
If the water pump we are waiting for ever arrives today, we may see you at Bedwell Harbor.