We never left the boat on Saturday. Every time it looked inviting to head to shore for a walk, the downpour started again.
For days that we cannot get off the boat and get our 10k steps in, I bought this stepper. Yesterday was the first day we actually needed to use it. I got nowhere near 10k steps in. This thing is way harder than walking.
It POURED all day – Jim pumping out Don Yonko – each pump is a quart and he said there were 34! – The downside of a chest freezer, you have to empty the dang thing out to get something from the bottom
Jim did get the freshwater washdown going. Yes!! Thanks, Jeff for the discontinued part! We will use that to rinse the boat after a trip and to rinse off our anchor chain when we weigh anchor. Probably to rinse the salt water out of the Tohatsu as well. (that is supposed to be flushed for 5 minutes, I’m not sure the washdown pump can go that long. We’ll have to experiment)
I shoveled out the spare room on Saturday. We can now walk in there. We got the boat in order because our Canadian friends, Paul and Elaine, stopped by for a visit on Sunday. How fun is that to have friends stop by your boat for a visit! They have a Nordic Tug as well, they went out for a Sunday cruise with their family. It was a gorgeous day, (a bit breezy) we sat upstairs and visited. They are the ones who are going to give us a ride to Anacortes for the Nordic Tug rendezvous. They are SO nice, said to call them if we needed anything at all. They just live a few minutes from here.
After our visit, we hopped on Don Yonko and went to the Brentwood Bay public wharf and tied up. We didn’t account for the tide when we tied up, so it was quite amusing when we got back and HARD to untie. Lesson learned! We were checking out how close the bus stop is from the public wharf, because while there is a dinghy dock here and close access to a bus stop, there is a sign that the dock is closed it is still heavily used but we don’t want to get into trouble – or worse yet, come back and our dinghy has been confiscated. Either Monday or Tuesday we are going into Victoria to the Amazon Locker and, of course, a marine store.
Brentwood Bay Wharf – Our friends’ boat “Crown Prince” – Gorgeous day in Brentwood – Frying to death under those heaters, note the one behind Jim, we also had one directly overhead.
We stopped by the Brentwood Bay Pub for happy hour. We sat outside in the gorgeous sunshine. We were absolutely roasting to death. Eventually. we figured out why. There are heaters on the deck overhead and THEY WERE ON. Ugh!
We came back and threw a tri-tip in the oven. It took waaaayy to long to cook, so we had to eat in stages. Salad, then half an hour later, potatoes and brussels, and then half an hour later – tri-tip. It was delicious, but not ideal!
Time to get on with our day.
Talk Soon.