We have a list of recommendations that we should see in Puglia. One of them is Alberobello, which we have been avoiding because it is a huge tourist destination. But, we are down to single-digit days left in Puglia, so we decide today’s the day.

The only way to get there is by bus. We purchase our tickets online for the 10 a.m. bus. We figure out where to pick it up at, head out for coffee and lunch supplies. Our usual store does not have any premade ones, so we try a different one. I try the salumi sandwich, Jim gets one that he thinks is pork. He is very disappointed when we eat because after much research we have deduced that it is a frittata di pane sandwich (bread frittata). So basically an eggy bread cutlet inside more bread. I’m sure it wouldn’t be disappointing if you weren’t expecting delicious pork. https://memoriediangelina.com/2019/03/30/frittata-di-pane-bread-frittata/

We arrive at the bus stop 30 minutes early, only to find a massive line already forming. There’s no way all these people are squeezing onto just two buses. And to top it off, Italians don’t form lines the way we do—they effortlessly slip ahead, oozing into any available space. My blood pressure spikes. This isn’t just a wait for a bus; it’s a traffic jam without the cars.

Eventually, they bring in a third bus to handle the crowd. But as we think about the return trip—another battle for a seat—we start second-guessing our plan. Alberobello looks charming in YouTube videos, but most of the Trulli are souvenir shops anyway. Is it really worth the hassle? Nope. We bail. At least we’re only out 20 euros.

Now, what to do with our day? We spontaneously hop on a bus we haven’t taken before. The hour-long route winds through parts of Bari we hadn’t explored yet, offering a relaxing little tour.
Post-bus adventure, we grab lunch—disappointing, aside from the oranges, which are unbelievably sweet and juicy. Back at our place, we actually embrace riposo. I’m not usually one for naps—I hate feeling like I’m missing out—but today, it feels right. And honestly? It’s refreshing.
Recharged, we finalize some travel adjustments. We’ve learned something valuable about ourselves on this leg of the trip: less time in each place suits us better. With our new plan set, we head out for dinner supplies. It’s raining again, but it’s a light, warm drizzle so we don’t mind it.

I looked up what jubilee bread actually is. I got an extremely long article that made my eyes glaze over. I asked chatgpt to distill for me. Here are the results: Jubilee Bread is an artisanal bread created for the 2025 Jubilee in Rome, symbolizing sharing, tradition, and faith while promoting Italian baking excellence and values of hospitality, solidarity, and brotherhood.
Now you know as much as I do.
paleremo presto.