We left promptly for our tour, with 68 other tourists. It was a 150-passenger catamaran. A park ranger came along on the tour and pointed out wildlife, sights of geological interest and answered questions.
Our first stop was Marble Island where we got to see — PUFFINS! There are 2 species there – tufted and horned. I naively believed that puffins were everywhere in Alaska. Not so. I didn’t try to take any photos of them, just enjoyed the experience. The ranger also gave a presentation on the birds we were likely to see. Stellar sea lions also congregate at Marble Island. We spent a good fifteen minutes there birding and viewing sea lions.
Soon after, the Captain spotted a brown bear and her cub turning rocks over as it was a minus low tide. They were oblivious to us as they enjoyed unearthing treasures. That cub was the cutest! The park ranger said that was the most adorable cub he had ever seen, so I wasn’t alone in my opinion. I’m hoping our friend, Tracy, got a good photo, as I did not. Are you noticing the bear and wondering why I called it a brown bear? It is obviously a grizzly. Evidently, this is an Ursus Arctos because of where she lives.
We stopped and picked up and dropped off kayakers along the route. They are some brave, hearty souls that camp out in tents in bear country. No thanks.
Johns Hopkins Glacier opened up to smaller vessels July 1st. The aluminum catamaran weaved a trail through the bergie bits as we spent about an hour and a half in the inlet, listening to the cracking of the glacier and viewing seals with pups through binoculars (you are not allowed to approach seals on ice in Glacier Bay). Waterfalls abounded.
We also stopped by Reid and Lamplugh Glaciers on the trek back down the bay. We briefly spotted an orca, we got one great view of him and then he vanished. We saw at least six humpbacks throughout the day as well.
We got back from our tour about 3:45. We decided to head up to the lodge to have a drink and talk about our day with Tracy and Rocky. Imagine my surprise when we found some evidence that it actually IS summer!
We enjoyed the last vestiges of sunlight, as rain is coming tomorrow. There won’t be much to see, so probably don’t look for us again until Thursday.
Talk Soon.
The adventures you’ve been having are absolutely amazing and so glad you’re sharing them! Sure hope to meet up with you guys sometime in Anacortes (at Good Bagels) to hear more about your trip!
It’s a date!