Easy 28 nm cruise today. We left in the pouring rain this morning at 8:30 am. We decided to start running from downstairs. It was a little tricky getting out of the anchorage area. The rain eased up so we went up on the flybridge. Once out in Fitzhugh Sound, it got rather sporty so I went downstairs to place our stuff on the floor rather than have it launched there. It got more rough and became dangerous to go back upstairs, so I called Jim and told him that I would wait until it was a little less rolly.
I saw a log that we were precariously close to running into, so I opened the helm door and shouted up to Jim, “Log!” He thought I was shouting “Bob!”. We did change course in time, but we decided I should blow the horn once if there was immediate danger to look out for.
Soon after the log incident, we had a humpback emerge next to our boat on the port side. What a thrill. Then it was gone.T
Today we saw three humpbacks, one was just a blow, the other did a big dive so we got to see his tail, and the third I already told you about.
It was a good thing that it was rainy and low visibility because my interval function is on the fritz on the insta 360. Remember yesterday when it took a dive? I’m going to try to do a factory reset because everything else works. I’m terrible about taking photos. I can’t tell you how many places I’ve been with a camera in my pocket and it never came out once. So, here’s hoping the reset works.
We tried to set our anchor twice in one section of the bay, it drug both times so we hauled it up and moved it to another spot and it set on the first try.
It is still pouring rain, but we are going to brave the hike because we just got a text from one of our flotilla buddies “I just went to the beach and wow and omg. Well worth the trip and getting a little wet.”
We had a Rounding Cape Caution celebratory potluck this evening at 5. We are headed to Ocean Falls tomorrow. We watched two Alison and James YouTube videos at Ocean Falls. They did a great job. I linked the first one here.
Talk Soon.
Lol loved the “Bob Log” story! That made us both laugh. ~Sailing Kashmir