We weighed anchor at 7 am in the bay. We had to go across the shallow Comox bar for our exit. There is a navigation line on the chart and we had +8 feet tide, so we never had less than 16 feet under our keel.
Out in the Strait of Georgia IT WAS PURE GLASS. What a fantastic transit! We couldn’t have asked for better. The other two times were far from pleasant! It was sunny, the wind at our backs and to top it all off – we saw our first humpback whale!
We all arrived in Squirrel Cove roughly at the same time. When we set our anchor the wind was howling from the SE, so straight into the cove. We weren’t worried at all, we really trust our ground tackle. I am glad that we stopped here. It is a nice anchorage! We took the dinghy down and went and visited our Nordic Tug friends Steve and Ginger. We whiled away the afternoon with them. After we putzed around the bay, we went home for happy hour and dinner.
After dinner, we took advantage of the glorious afternoon and took another dinghy ride. This time out of the cove and across to the store. On our way back, we stopped by Dan and Valerie’s Princess 68 for a chat. They are such a nice couple!
The wind died down overnight. Hardly a glurp/glurp. We set our alarm for 4:30 am – the goal is to be underway by 6 am.
There isn’t a cloud in the sky, this promises to be a gorgeous day. We have been to Teakerne Arm, but once we are past that, it is all new sights from here on out. (I know I said that before, but at that time we were not going to Desolation Sound!)
Talk Soon!