We hung out in Lyall Harbor for a few days. Jim got the plumbing working! I was in the throes of planning a trip to Comox to pick up a composting toilet (that they have in stock). If we have any issues in the future, that is the FIRST idea we are reaching for! whew! That issue took 10 weeks!
While on the hook, Jim also changed the oil, filters, and checked the zincs. It was about 40 hours early, otherwise it would have to be done during the flotilla.
I baked some more of Sophie’s bread. https://hostessatheart.com/sourdough-bread-recipe/ It is really tasty and is good for sandwiches. I’m following the practice of just making enough sourdough starter for the bake, and feed before the next bake. No sourdough starter hotel living in the fridge. (https://grantbakes.com/ ) Speaking of fridge though, I had a loaf ready to bake, it sat for 3 days in the fridge before baking it. That was the best loaf yet. I also had one that was so underdone that we cut away the best parts and threw the rest away. Keepin’ it real.
After our boat chores, we took a little ride over to Montague Harbor to check it out. It is where we are meeting up with the flotilla. It turned out to be a great cruise, we timed all the ferries correctly (sheer dumb luck), and it was glorious. We were so hot, we were shedding all our layers. We decided to cruise down to Wallace and back and make some water in the meantime. Once we turned around, we realized we were traveling with the wind and then we were freezing! Notice that Jim is even sitting in the sun!
We got to Montague Harbor, there were a ton of free mooring balls, but we anchored ahead of the mooring field. We’d like to have a spot picked out for when we come back in June. It will be much busier then, school will be out and folks will be out and about in droves and maybe a mooring ball won’t be free. It was a good decision. We have a great spot and haven’t budged. The harbor is like a pond this morning and the skies are (finally!) blue.
After our chores, we explored the bay with Don Yonko, took a little hike (wonderful!) on Gray’s Point Trail and went to the pub for a few beers and dinner. Good thing we got there early, they close at 5pm?! Highly recommend the beet dill hummus. wow.
We are going to stay here until tomorrow and then go check into Van Isle a early due to forecasted winds. (now the forecast is even earlier, we are going to get up and skeedaddle). That’s okay though, that gives us plenty of time to get our truck, pickle the water maker, clean the boat, do laundry, and pack for our upcoming trip.
Talk Soon.